
Feedback by Lisa Montanino

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Feedback by Lisa Montanino. - Book Review.



“Feedback” is the first full-length novel by Lisa Montanino and it follows the fortunes for a year of Claire Convenzionale. Claire’s a modern woman who just happens to be a morning radio presenter at a New York rock radio station.

   She’s also down in the dumps because she’s recently broken off with her fiancé because of his substance abuse, though she’s putting a brave face on things. She’s now free and open to anything the world has to offer, and floating on the margins of rock music, she isn’t short of opportunities.

   In her quiet moments she frets that she hasn’t presented her grounded and adoring parents with grandkids, just like her sisters have done, but hey, everyone can’t be the same, and there are different paths in life for all of us, and still plenty of time for the desirable Claire.

   “Feedback” is a modern novel set against a music background and one that will certainly appeal to modern young women. And it’s also easy to read, easy to get into, and well written, something that not all modern indie fiction achieves, and because if that I suspect it will find a wider audience.

   There’s lots of snappy and realistic dialogue in there too, much of which I imagined had actually been spoken by someone, and that’s always a sign of accurately recorded speech.

   It’s not the kind of thing I would normally read, but I enjoyed it and I see that a follow-up is mooted and I’m sure a lot of readers would be interested in that too. Recommended.

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